Setting Up WIFI

Setting Up WIFI

The wpa_supplicant.conf file method

  1. Create a text file called 'wpa_supplicant.conf' (or download the attached file to your computer)
  2. Edit the file and add the following code:
  1. country=xx
  2. update_config=1
  3. ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant

  4. network={
  5.  scan_ssid=1
  6.  ssid="WIFINAME"
  7.  psk="WIFIPASSWORD"
  8. }
  1. Replace XX with your Country Code
  2. Replace WIFINAME with your own WIFI SSID
  3. Replace WIFIPASSWORD with your own WIFI password
Your completed file should look something like this:

  1. Copy this file to the boot partition of your SD card
  2. Safely eject the SD card
  3. Place the SD card back into the Raspberry Pi and boot as normal

Checking the file extension

It is important to save this file as the correct type of file. If not done correctly it will not work. Notepad, by default, will append .txt to any file you save.
When creating and saving the files with different file extensions, ensure your computer does not add .txt to the end of the filename. You may have to enable 'File name extensions' on your computer to allow you to see the full file name.

With 'File name extensions' enabled. The file on the right in NOT correct.

With 'Filename extensions' disabled. It is difficult to see which file is correct.
The incorrect file actually looks like it should be the correct one.

Country Codes

For a full list of Country Codes, click here

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